Precision Agriculture has been proven successful by combining increase of quality and quantity of production and reducing cost. Apiculture is a field where Precision Agriculture principles could be applied as it is facing extreme challenges and constrains.Colony collapse disorder, climate change, spread of disease and pesticides have dramatically increased the bee losses. These consequences impact financial viability of apiculture and environmental sustainability. Therefore leading to rising prices of apiculture products as well as to ineffective pollination of crops.
The penetration of information technologies in beekeeping appears quite low at the present time. miBeez is a Precision Apiculture System & Service to assist sustainable beekeeping by applying best practices. It integrates a beekeeping management module, a beehive monitoring module, using sensor networks and a decision support module that provides advice and warnings to the producer, taking under consideration internal and external environmental conditions.
miBeez is an integrated toolbox that could be used during all beekeeping activities to help beekeepers manage production, monitor colonies and get advice for optimal decision making, in order to improve quantity and quality of apiculture products, as well as reducing time and cost.
The service aims to make beekeeping more efficient and assist European producers become more competitive against low price imports. It targets to employment growth; creating beekeeping and technological jobs and attracting new producers into business, thus making rural areas more sustainable. Furthermore, it will help reverse the bee population decline (Colony Collapse Disorder) and improve the very important pollination of crops. miBeez will also lead to higher quality apiculture products at reasonable prices.
Precision Agriculture has been proven successful by combining increase of quality and quantity of production and reducing cost. Apiculture is a field where Precision Agriculture principles could be applied as it is facing extreme challenges and constrains.Colony collapse disorder, climate change, spread of disease and pesticides have dramatically increased the bee losses. These consequences impact financial viability of apiculture and environmental sustainability. Therefore leading to rising prices of apiculture products as well as to ineffective pollination of crops.
The penetration of information technologies in beekeeping appears quite low at the present time. miBeez is a Precision Apiculture System & Service to assist sustainable beekeeping by applying best practices. It integrates a beekeeping management module, a beehive monitoring module, using sensor networks and a decision support module that provides advice and warnings to the producer, taking under consideration internal and external environmental conditions.
miBeez is an integrated toolbox that could be used during all beekeeping activities to help beekeepers manage production, monitor colonies and get advice for optimal decision making, in order to improve quantity and quality of apiculture products, as well as reducing time and cost.
The service aims to make beekeeping more efficient and assist European producers become more competitive against low price imports. It targets to employment growth; creating beekeeping and technological jobs and attracting new producers into business, thus making rural areas more sustainable. Furthermore, it will help reverse the bee population decline (Colony Collapse Disorder) and improve the very important pollination of crops. miBeez will also lead to higher quality apiculture products at reasonable prices.
miBeez will harvest the benefits of FIWARE, by developing applications using Future Internet and Internet of Things technologies. The three above-mentioned modules (monitoring, management and decision support) will be implemented, integrated and user tested / validated, using effective and efficient tools, decreasing time and programming resources.
News & Events
- 22/02/2016: Workshop
- 28-31/01/2016: Agrotica
- 4-6/12/2015: 7th Ηoney Festival and Bee Products & 5th Greek Beekeping Conference
- 30/10/2015: Final Period meeting
- 27/08/2015: Next Period meeting
- 16/06/2015: Kick off meeting
[email protected] |
This project is funded by FRACTALS (Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Applications, FP7 project No. 632874),
under the funding framework of the European Commission
under the funding framework of the European Commission